School Rules
Admission Enquiry Form
- The School classes are from Pre-Nursery to Class XI. This school has successfully completed 10 years of operations. The infrastructure is under development up to class XII.
- The School term runs from April to March. The Final examination is held towards the end of the academic year. There are terminal examinations and unit tests prior to the final examination.
- There are normally three vacations, namely a Summer Vacation in May-June, a Puja Vacation in September-October, and a Christmas Vacation in December-January. Saturdays and Sundays are normally holidays for students. A brief Easter Vacation is also given in accordance with the Christian Religious Calendar.
Some of the major School Rules are as follows:
- Pupils are expected to come to School neat and tidy. The prescribed School Uniform is to be worn in school and at School functions by all students, and by those students representing the School anywhere else.
- Students must be punctual and be present on time at all places where they are supposed to be assembly, regular classes, P.T., Library, functions, etc.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, regular lack of application of School rules, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the Staff, any kind of unfair practice either within or beyond this school’s premises will be sufficient reason for warning and in case of severe misdemeanor, after consulting with other staff for giving a forced Transfer Certificate to the student. Pupils are responsible to the Principal / Vice-Principal / Department Head / In-charge for their conduct both in and outside the School.
- Students remaining absent on the previous day/ days must bring to the Principal / Vice-Principal /Department Head / In-charge a written explanation from their parents in the School Diary, which is to be carried to School everyday.
- During the absence of a teacher from class, pupils must obey the Monitor / Captains / Vice Captains / Prefects appointed.
- Any damage done to School property must be made good by the student responsible or by the class as a whole as will be decided by the authorities. Individual or collective fines can be imposed by the School authorities.
- Parents are expected to co-operate in the working of the School by enforcing regularity and discipline, and by taking an interest in their children’s progress. Parents should check the School Calendar regularly and note the teacher’s remarks, put their initials and sign the Prep. Book regularly.
- Students who fail to reach a satisfactory academic standard and whose overall results are not satisfactory will on no account be promoted. Students who fail to get permitted to continue their studies in the School. A detailed program of all major examinations/tests will be given to the students in due time.
- Special arrangements cannot be made for pupils who, for any reason, are absent from any written examination.
- Parents are requested to communicate with the Principal / In-charge by letter or to meet personally by taking a prior appointments, regarding the progress and welfare of their wards. You may use the ERP dash Board thru our website to reach the Principal or Class teacher directly. The Principal / In-charge may also require any parent to meet personally in the matter of progress of the pupils.
- Parents are not allowed to meet their wards during School hours without permission from the Principal / In- charge. Entry into the School Office and the Staff- rooms are also prohibited unless permission from the Head has been obtained.
- This being an English-medium School, the students are to be encouraged to speak in English at all times during School hours, except when attending the vernacular classes. (Failure to do so may entail the imposition of a fine.)
- The result of the Final Examination of the defaulters will not be published. All dues as applicable must be paid before the commencement of the Terminal or Final Examination.
- Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and personal belongings at school. Anything lost will not be compensated by the School Authorities. The parents are requested not to allow cash or costly articles to be brought to School by their wards. Watches (for pupils below class IX) and gold ornaments are forbidden. All matter of objectionable nature is prohibited. Unauthorized cash and/or articles found on a student will be confesticated.
- An Identity Card is issued to every student. Students must have updated Identity Cards every year. Parents must bring the Escort Cards of their wards Pre-Nursery to VIII when taking them home. All students must wear the Identify Card.
- Students must pay the Annual (Session) Charge and other dues before the commencement of the new academic session with the stipulated date to be notified at the end of the Final Examination, failing which their names may be removed from the School Register and they have to seek readmission.
- Provision is made for Sports and Athletics. Pupils should participate in-game when required to do so. They must apply themselves whole-heartedly to all co-curricular activities.
- Pupils may be required to take part in extra – curricular activities such as Scouts, Guides, Debate, Drama, Quiz,Games, Art, Music and Singing. Participation in such activities and practice after the School hours / Saturday / Sunday may be deemed compulsory. Absence on grounds of attending coaching classes / private tuitions will not be tolerated.
- School Badge, School Tie, School Belt, Text Books, Exercise Books, Identity Card, School Diary, School Uniform etc. are to be purchased from the School or through School-approved organizations.
- Parents / Guardians / Visitors are requested to correspond, if necessary, through letters that are to be dropped in the School Letter Box or use the Principal’s DashBoard/School Teacher’s DashBoard.
- It is not possible for school personnel to deliver (Water Bottles, Tiffin Box, Sweater, Uniforms, Guitar etc) to the classroom, if the Child has forgotten to bring the article kindly ensure that the student is carrying the articles.
- It is found that many students are being sent to school with a fever or contagious disease. Any student found sick or coming to school with sickness will be sent back immediately. All guardians are asked to co-operate.
- No half-day or early leave shall normally be granted. If the Parent / Guardian feels that his / her ward is required at home or elsewhere for some purpose, the student should not be sent to School on that day. A letter stating the reason for the absence of the student should be sent on the next working day. Attendance is compulsory on the closing day, and on the reopening day after holidays/ vacations, barring exceptional circumstances, failing which a fine of Rs. 10/- per day may be levied. Parents must understand that since the School provides at least two long vacations in a year, there should be no reason for a student to visit outstation at any other time. Students must have their Monthly Attendance Records, Late Records, and Absent Records regularly counter-signed by the class teacher.
- Applications for leave, both short and long, should reach the Principal / In-charge, preferably in advance, with a copy to the Class Teacher concerned. All applications must contain
(1) the name of the student in full,
(2) the class and section,
(3) the full address of the student,
(4) the Roll Number, and
(5) the full signature of the Parents/Guardian. Whenever a student is ill for more than three days, an application from the parent/guardian, enclosing the Medical Certificate from the attending Doctor, should be submitted. Submitting a bare Medical Certificate, as is often done, is advised against.
- Parents / Guardians aggrieved on any ground are requested to see the Principal/Vice-Principal / Department Head/ In-charge personally by prior appointment instead of airing their grievances in public in front of the School campus, as this creates confusion and chaos amongst other Parents/ Guardians, leading to the development of a not too cordial relation between the Parents/ Guardians and the School Authorities. Parents/Guardians should refrain from uttering comments or doing things that are detrimental to the interest of the school and its students.
- Violation of these rules on the part of a Parent/ Guardian might lead to the expulsion of the ward from the School.
- Parent/ Guardian must not try to meet or telephone the members of the School Management, the Principal/ Vice-Principal/Department Head/ In-charge at their residences except in case of emergency. In all matters of the School, the Secretary’s decision is final. The Principal/Vice-Principal / Department Head/ In-charge will not meet any visitor after the School hours or on holidays.
- The principal shall notify Guardian regarding wayward conduct/ habitual Indiscipline of any student. School has its own Psychologist. For Issues requiring Medical Attention, the Principal shall recommend compulsory counseling of both the Guardian and their ward with our School Psychologist and it is compulsory for the Guardian to comply with the recommendation of the Psychologist. In case the Principal deems it necessary, One of the Guardian shall be compulsorily be required to stay at the school office during the time and period recommended by the Principal.
- A written notice of one calendar month is to be given by the parents/ guardians to the Principal / In-charge before the issue of a Transfer Certificate.
- No Transfer Certificate will be issued to any student until all dues to the school are paid in full.
- In case of an emergency, the Principal may apply his / her discretionary power to issue the Transfer Certificate to a student within 7 days from the date of such application from the parent/guardian concerned. In such a case the parent/guardian shall have to pay the subsequent month’s fees, along with all dues, if any.
- Students who fail twice in the same class will be served with a Transfer Certificate.
- A student may be given a forced Transfer Certificate after receiving a third written warning for a serious breach of discipline or for gross misconduct as observed by the Management.
- Three month’s tuition fees and Annual charges (Session) will be charged if a request for a Transfer Certificate/ withdrawal is made at any time within 3 months after reopening of the new academic session / after taking admission
- The transfer certificate charge is Rs. 500/- payable at the Account Office before submitting the application for the Transfer Certificate. The receipt for the same is to be attached to the application.
- Caution Money will be refunded after one month of taking T.C. or submitting an application for refund whichever is later. Refund of caution money should be claimed within 3 months after taking T.C. or else the same will be forfeited.
- In case a child leaves the school in mid-session, that child has to pay the full session fees upto March. After the child clears the full fees, will be eligible for refund of the caution money and the TC will be issued subsequently.
- Pre-Nursery to K.G. will have 3 Assessments on Grade.
- Classes I to IV will have a Terminal Examination of 100 Marks, Unit Tests and a Final Examination of 100 Marks. Pass mark 40% in each subject.
- Passing in SUPW and Community Service is compulsory for all students.
- Should a pupil be absent for any test/examination, then he/she will be marked absent.
- No child will be permitted to appear for any test/examination if he/she is seriously ill or is suffering from any infectious/contagious disease.
- Students must not take study leave unless granted by the School.
- Promotion is decided at a special meeting with concerned teachers. Hence, the Results declared are final and requests for reconsideration from detained cases will not be entertained.
- Students should appear on all three assessments for promotion.
- Students should have a minimum of 75% attendance. However, on grounds of serious illness, another 15% may be considered. This must be supported by a medical certificate furnished at the outset of the illness.
- Monthly Fees collection shall be in Designated Branch of Bank.Presently ICICI Abasan Branch is the home branch
- The School will normally remain closed on Saturdays and Sundays for students. However Office shall remain open on 1 st and 3 rd Saturday from 8 to 1 PM.
Principal / In-charge: Monday and Friday – 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Class Teaches: Wednesday and Friday – 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. ( For Classes Toddler to K.G. ) and 12:45 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ( For Classes I to IX )
1st and 3rd Saturday – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ( Any Class )
The school has a well equipped library stocked with over books, journals and periodicals of a wide range. Students have access to the facility between 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and on furnishing of the Library Card which may be obtained on producing Fees Book. It is imperative that students abide by certain codes of conduct when they are inside the library besides being careful about the books that they have borrowed. It ought to be noted that sub-lending or transfer of borrowed books to anyone else is not permitted. Borrowed books if damaged or lost have to be made good by replacement or by paying for the cost of the same. The Librarian has the authority to take back any book at any time. There shall be penalty levied upon any defaulter who does not return a book on time.
Every student must wear a proper complete and clean uniform daily. Defaulters may be fined Rs. 10/- (Rupees five only) or be sent back home.
Boys : Black Shorts and checked shirt with school Tie, Belt, Plain White Socks, plain black leather school shoes with lace, school badge.
Girls : Checked Blouse. RED Skirt, White ribbon school Lie, Belt, school badge, plain white socks, Black leather school shoes.
Boys: Black Shorts and checked shirt with school Tie, Belt, Plain White Socks, plain black leather school shoes with lace, school badge.For Class VI: Blazer
Girls:Checked Blouse. RED Skirt, White ribbon school Lie, Belt, school badge, plain white socks, Black leather school shoes.
For class VI onwards, students are required to wear Blazer.
All fees has to be paid by 15 th of each Month. For Delay beyond one month, the fine shall be Rs.100/-. For Delay of More than 2 months, fine shall be Rs.250/-. For delay of 3 months, the fine shall be Rs.500/- Delay of more than 3 months, shall result in striking off the name from register. A readmission charge of Rs.1500/- shall have to be paid along with the fine.
Boys of classes Toddler to Class IX may wear trousers from November to February. For students of Class VI on wards, wearing Blazer is compulsory in winter.
Pupils must wear the tie, belt, School badge to School. {compulsory)
No fancy hairstyles will be allowed either for the boys or the girls all boys must have their hair trimmed above their collars. Girls must have short hair, or plaits tied with white ribbons, hair-bands are not permitted Use of mehendi in any form is not allowed.
Use of nail polish and keeping of long nails is not permitted.
No valuables may be worn or brought to School.
For Guardians & knowledge only.
1. Driver Selection Criteria:
– Valid drivers license with a clean driving record
– Background check and screening process
– Safe driving training and regular refresher courses once every 4 months.
2. Operational Guidelines:
– Adherence to school timings for pickups and drop-offs
– Regular vehicle maintenance and safety checks
– Following designated routes and avoiding shortcuts
– Proper behavior and communication with students and guardians
3. Emergency Protocol:
– Contact information for school administration in case of breakdowns or emergencies
– Clear instructions on how to handle unforeseen breakdowns while ensuring student safety
– Arrangements for backup vehicles or emergency services
4. Live Location Mandate:
– Installation of GPS tracking devices in all pool vehicles for real-time monitoring
– Access to live location by school administration and guardians for enhanced safety and
5. Introduction of Logbook:
– Maintaining a detailed logbook for each trip, including start/end times, route taken, student
attendance, and any incidents or observations
– Regular review of logbooks by school authorities for performance evaluation and
6. Communication and Coordination:
– Establishing clear channels of communication between drivers, school staff, and guardians
– Periodic meetings or updates to discuss any operational issues, feedback, or improvements
7. Maximum speed of vehicle must be 40 km/ hr.