This is sample text for demo. Check plugin demo page for more info.The Online Admission Form 2025-26 is available online & offline. Form is available in the School Office from 9am to 1pm
WhatsApp Image 2024-08-16 at 13.54.24
Admissions Open (1)
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This is a modern Digital School with State of the Art Infrastructure.
Following are the salient Features:
All the classes from class 3 onwards are equipped with Modern Digital Smart Boards. All the classes have a dedicated LAN connection from the Central server. The server has Adhyan library Bank which can be accessed easily by all class teachers.
The school runs on advanced ERP. All aspects of school administration are operated through the ERP. Each student has a dedicated dashboard with online payment options and Guardians Interaction Message Centre. The ERP has full fledged homework and class work sections where Guardians can view the class works and home works every day. This ERP is operated by the renowned Jenny Software.
School is equipped with a 45 seater Modern Computer Lab with a server. The lab uses advanced N-computing devices.
School is equipped with full fledged Physics Chemistry and Biology labs as well as geography and language lab.
School has a very beautiful library with more than 5000 books in different languages and different subjects. There is also a full fledged reference book section.
The school also has a 2000 square feet Yoga room and Dance room. The Yoga room is equipped with interactive voice microphones. The room also houses the gymnastic equipment which are held in school every Sunday.
The School has a full fledged STEM Lab with 3D printers. Children are taught modern technologies, electronics projects, 3D printing and various other emerging technologies.
School has a playground and also play equipment for primary classes.
School has plans to have a very modern mini Olympic swimming pool inside the campus in future. Also the underground floor has a facility for table tennis.There are plans to set up rifle shooting and archery within the campus. An area has also been allotted to set up wall climbing and similar sports.
School has set up a plant nursery to train students in Gardening and Allied Activities. Modern technologies like Hydroponics,Aquaponics and other different Gardening Techniques will be taught in the nursery. The nursery houses different types of indoor and outdoor plants as well as succulents.
The School has a fleet of Sumo and Bolero to transport students. School has also procured a GPS enabled School Bus. More buses will be procured in future.
School has a 75 nos single seater examination hall as per ICSE norms.
All the School rooms corridors, passageways roads and school surroundings are covered with CCTV cameras.
School maintains special vigilance by lady “Mother Aunties” in the toilet area to help small children and for safety purposes.
The toilet is specially designed in the concept of a dry toilet with a Modern waste recycling system designed by scientists from DRDO.
School maintains fire fighting equipment as per the fire safety rules and regulations.